Game & Gun

Hunting knife in olive wood with bow opener

Hunting knife in olive wood with bow opener

1.699,00 kr.

Italian handmade hunting knife with belly opener, with olive wood handle. A unique quality product. Total length: 22 cm Leaf length: 10 cm Including sheath


The hunting knives were tested by “Hunting, Game and Weapons” in 2017 which wrote: “Italians can only do something with aesthetics. The leather sheath in core leather wraps around the Saladini hunting knife, and the knife itself, with its shells in buffalo horns and its wide drop point blade, is so classic that if you asked a group of hunters to close their eyes and imagine a hunting knife, most people would see this knife separately. ”


Scarperia is an ancient medieval village, founded by the Florentine Republic in 1306. The city has been known as the “knife city” for centuries and has become famous worldwide thanks to this ancient craft. The knife manufacturers from Saladini have a long history in Scarperia, dating back to 1841.

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Italian handmade hunting knife with belly opener, with olive wood handle. A unique quality product. Total length: 22 cm Leaf length: 10 cm Including sheath


The hunting knives were tested by “Hunting, Game and Weapons” in 2017 which wrote: “Italians can only do something with aesthetics. The leather sheath in core leather wraps around the Saladini hunting knife, and the knife itself, with its shells in buffalo horns and its wide drop point blade, is so classic that if you asked a group of hunters to close their eyes and imagine a hunting knife, most people would see this knife separately. ”


Scarperia is an ancient medieval village, founded by the Florentine Republic in 1306. The city has been known as the “knife city” for centuries and has become famous worldwide thanks to this ancient craft. The knife manufacturers from Saladini have a long history in Scarperia, dating back to 1841.

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